Clean Water

Around the world, more than 750 million people do not have access to clean water. Approximately 2.5 billion people do not have access to sufficient sanitation facilities. Consequently, a child in poverty dies from water-related disease every minute. Women and children, who are often given the responsibility of water retrieval, collectively spend more than 140 million hours a day collecting this resource. Their lives are often endangered because of the risks associated with structural violence, wild animals and waterborne illnesses. Despite these statistics, a mere 6% of global relief aid is allocated to water access in developing nations.

KYM International provides access to clean water for vulnerable communities around the world. The organization has made this initiative a priority among its development programs. Taking into account the diverse conditions that characterize many countries in need, KYM International aims to initiate water access projects through the construction of water wells with hand pumps.

Partnerships for water access at the local and international level are crucial to the sustainability of vulnerable people, who require this resource on a daily basis. KYM International will research the organizations and government offices that are working toward water resource development. The organization will also research the latest technological advances in water production and distribution, and seek to learn more on the subject by engaging in conferences and forums with others in the field. Most importantly, KYM International will develop effective communication channels that provide regular updates on the water wells installed overseas. All of these measures guarantee sustainability and the proper utilization of the technology by communities and partner organizations.

Access to water is a human right. KYM International is committed to providing this resource and reaching millions of vulnerable communities worldwide. All people deserve a fair chance to live a healthy, productive and peaceful life. Accessible water helps to meet this objective. KYM International will carry out water resource projects so that all people can realize their full potential without the threat of water inaccessibility and its negative impact on international development.