KYM International aims to help vulnerable children from different parts of the world by supporting their right to live and ensuring they have access to education, shelter, healthcare, freedom, clean water and healthy food. The organization supports children at risk through sustainable solutions, and by making sure their dignity is respected. By specifically addressing the needs and promoting the rights of orphans and refugee children, including youth with disabilities and girls, KYM International will pave the way for a future where disadvantaged children can enjoy the same opportunities as their peers. The organization will continue building schools, hospitals and orphanages so that that no child is left behind.
A priority of KYM International is to ensure women’s participation in community development initiatives by implementing sustainable improvements in their lives. Improved health outcomes, equal access to education and overcoming cultural barriers to achieving gender parity will help women strengthen their agency. Healthy, empowered women are more likely to contribute to the development of their societies. Educated women are more likely to have bargaining power and control over resources within their household, and are better equipped to combat violence and discrimination while protecting their rights. Although some projects specifically address women, taking into account the fact that they are disproportionately affected by poverty, natural disasters and violence, and acknowledging that they do not have equal access to education or healthcare, each project benefits men as well. Sustainable change can only be achieved through collective engagement and understanding, which is beneficial for everyone.